Mediation can be an efficient and low-conflict option for resolving disputes. Mediation is favored by the courts and is often mandated before a trial will be held. We want the end result to be a written agreement that you participated in creating and that is legally enforceable.
As a trial attorney I know that taking any case to court can be expensive, stressful, and the outcome uncertain. In the end the parties to the conflict will feel even more animosity towards one another. As an impartial mediator working with both parties to your dispute I can help you find sensible solutions as an alternative to going to court.
Mediated Divorce - A smarter way to divorce. Many couples facing divorce desire a lower cost and lower conflict alternative to participating in litigation, but with so much at stake they need help navigating the process. As an attorney-mediator I work as a neutral with both parties to help you find agreeable terms of your divorce and accurately document your agreement. This process is entirely confidential.
Typical issues addressed in a mediated divorce include:
allocation of parental responsibilities: decision making, parenting time schedules and child support
characterizing property as marital or separate and how best to value marital interests
fairly dividing your marital property, including realty, debt, business interests, and retirement accounts
addressing spousal maintenance
documenting your agreement
Other conflicts often resolved in mediation include:
post-decree issues
business disputes
employment disputes
personal injury claims
HOA and real estate matters
Contact me to discuss if your case is appropriate for mediation. Hablo español.